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I think it's really interesting that you say you'd do something similar with beef - that's very much how I felt with my chicken.

As a matter of fact, I would have loved to do that dish with duck, but simply didn't have time.

You plating skills, by the way, are simply stunning.


Thanks for the compliment!

I think you're on to something about the beef. I think the bitter chcolate taste and the pomegranate are both so intense that you really do need a "bigger" more robust meat to go with it. Beef, certainly, maybe venison or bison. Duck would be a great choice. I might try something with bison this weekend given my husband's current bison cravings.


Maybe bitter chocolate crusted duck fingers (like the way i did the breading on the eggplant - which turned out totally light, and very crispy/crunchy) and a pomegranate dipping sauce?

raspberry sour

an eggplant cake!? you mean i could have made the zucchini muffins a la pomegranate and been done with it?! sigh. sounds like you had a fabulous meal- my mouth is watering for salad and crab.


I agree with the comments on using pomegranate and chocolate with duck. I used chicken for my paper chef entry and was happy with the result but felt duck would give it a little more complexity in the flavours.


Wow! this is amazing and your photograph is a stunner. It just amazes me - all the different things people come up with! Just to let you know, the results have just been posted .


Lol! Would you believe I was reading the round up on Domestic Goddess and when I saw yours I thought "but that's exactly the dish I had when I was at Reserve!" (not knowing you had anything to do with Australia) and then I come here and find you know Reserve intimately! I had a spectacular lunch there about a year ago, of the tasting menu. We were about the only people in the place and I worried then how long it could last. I'm glad I experienced it; it was certainly the most spectacular meal I've ever had.
One of the dishes was the crab sitting on a puck of bitter chocolate and eggplant, with a blue cheese dressing; sounds vile, but was amazing!


That's amazing! I have been to reserve twice. But the REALLY freaky thing is that I never saw the eggplant-chocolate and crab dish there. The dish that inspired this one was their chocolate ristotto with crayfish! We can't get crayfish here (well, not the same anyway) so I thought I'd use crab. I don't know whether to be disappointed that my dish was not as original as I thought, or chuffed (if totally freaked out) because I managed to create something similar to George Calombaris without knowing! I think I'll take the second option.


Wow! Another stunning entry. I loved the idea of crab and wished I had thought of it immediately I saw it. Wish I had had the chance to go to Reserve, too. oh well.

Bison stewed in a pomegranate and chocolate sauce with lots of caramelised onions would be lovely I think - I may have to try that out.

Anyway, I too wish I had you plating and photography skills. I always end up taking my pictures at about midnight and I don't have fancy lighting just a weak and pathetic flash on my camera.


Stop it. You're making me blush.

Thanks for the compliment re: plating. I honestly don't think it's any better than anyone else's though, every one of the food blogs I've seen always looks fabulous to me. It's amazing all the foodie talent lurking out there in blogdom.

Believe me, there's nothing fancy going on with the lighting. It's a combination of my husband's 1000 watt halogen work light which makes for VERY yellow photos (you can get them for $20 at any Home Despot type store) and Picassa2 (free!), which Sam at Becks'n'Posh put me on to and which helps to de-jaundice the photos. The camera's nothing special either, just a 3 year old canon digital. I got some serious gear envy when I read the Chronicle article on Bay Area bloggers and saw what sort of setup Guy Prince of Meathenge has!

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