Surprisingly, Samantha had slept straight through the night despite the thunderstorms. Now Nicholas had roused her from her dreams to watch the glorious, rainbow-ed sunrise. At first she’d been grumbly about having been woken from such a deep sleep. Now she was pleased: the sunrise was breathtaking.
She stretched her long tanned legs in front of her on the porch floor and nursed the cup of coffee Nicholas had offered her, steaming, as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. They’d been up so late taking about nothing and everything. She was watching Nicholas serve up breakfast – it looked like eggs and bacon on a pizza base (surely she was wrong) - and trying her hardest to disguise how much she enjoyed watching him do these little meaningless things. She didn’t know which she found more compelling, the pink and orange sunrise or the muscles on the back of Nicholas’ arm as he dished up breakfast.
He looked sideways at her over his muscle-y shoulder. "I hope you like quails eggs on pizza. I know it’s not exactly a traditional romantic getaway breakfast, but I really don’t eat any non-pizza foods."
That was one of the things she liked so much about Nicholas. He was not afraid to be weird. Weird and smouldering at the same time. She could feel her breath catching in her chest as he worked at the tea table.
When would he put the egg and bacon pizza down and walk over to her, sweeping her up into his brawny arms?
She watched, intently as he walked across the porch to he, bearing his love offering, his pizza. And she knew everything was perfect.
" Samantha? Do you like my egg pizza?" he whispered as he crossed the white painted floor.
His voice wafted through her, like the early morning mist over the ground, and she shivered in the warm sunrise air.
“Yes" she said, softly. "I love it."
Carefully, he put aside the pizza, and her shiver turned to a flush of heat as he swept her into his arms and out into the dewy pink and gold morning, covering her with eggy kisses.
It is the end of the month and yet I see no signs of the friendly and irreverent EotMEoTE entries that make me laugh until I pee my pants. I can find no limericks, no haikus, no Smith's lyrics. Where are all the other EotMEoTE-ers? Where are all the witty poems? Short dramatic works? Are we all egged out by this month's IMBB?
Anthony promised me that the June editition of EotMEoTE would be the Mills & Boon edition, and my quivering orbs of yolky delight have been heaving with anticipation all month. But alas, I fear I am alone in my love of the egg and the toast (or-other-similarly-bready-and-at-least-heated-if-not-toasted-carbohydrate) this month. Sigh.
I had a dozen quail eggs left over from Sunday's upside down caviar and I needed a quick supper for friends. I also thought it would be a cute twist on the Aussie favourite -fried egg topped pizza. I've been in an Aussie food frame of mind for a few days after we had the pleasure of having a couple of fair-dinkum aussies over for a barbie last Friday night. Waz and Lenny live in the apartment next door to a mate of mine, and I'd never ever met them until Waz emailed me after Judy Schultz of the Journal wrote an article about food blogging featuring Lex Culinaria.
What could be more Aussie than egg on a pizza? Alright, maybe egg on a burger.
I love pizzas best without the tomato sauce base (Makes the dough too doughy) so I just brushed the (partially pre-cooked) dough with olive oil and sprinkled on lots of fresh chopped garlic. I topped it with slices of gorgeous ripe tomato, sliced smoked mozzarella, shredded basil leaves and pieces of prosciutto. I baked it in a 400F/200C oven for about 15 minutes - until the cheese melted and the edges got brown. Then I removed it from the oven, grated over some fresh reggiano and cracked a half dozen quails eggs onto each pizza. I popped them back in the oven for 5 minutes, and Bob's your mother's brother.
Quelle magnifique pizza! Ça y est! J'ai faim, maintenant...
Posted by: Elvira | June 30, 2005 at 06:45 PM
oh wow lyn
you out did yourself this time :)
Posted by: clare eats | June 30, 2005 at 09:11 PM
It's lovely pizza. Especially sparsely mixed eggs.
Posted by: Chocopie | June 30, 2005 at 09:41 PM
Ok Mine is posted!
Posted by: clare eats | June 30, 2005 at 09:55 PM
Argh EoMEoTE now cracks the whip. Stuff soon, Jeannese hosting again thanks to my slothiness.
Anyway now I'm all hot and have to take a shower. Dirty.
Posted by: anthony | July 01, 2005 at 04:59 AM
Those eggs just look adorable - not to mention tasty - on top of that pizza. And how often have you heard pizza described as adorable?
Posted by: Nic | July 01, 2005 at 05:56 AM
Actually I'm sorry, that was pathetic, I'll try again.
I'm going to take a shower and let the glistening drops of water cascade down my manly chest.
Posted by: anthony | July 01, 2005 at 08:06 AM
Bravissima on all counts!!!
Posted by: ejm | July 04, 2005 at 03:55 PM
I think you've just raised the bar on pizza toppings. Quail eggs! Adorable! And prosciutto and smoked mozzarella and fabulous in their own right...
Posted by: Dawna | July 04, 2005 at 04:30 PM
Bravo!!! Encore!!! Eggy kisses!! Vintage stuff. Apologies for the lateness of the announcement, but thrilled to see you remembered my "dramatic work" theme from last month. And Spicey - maybe when the water has finished cascading over your manly chest and you have roughly towelled your rippling back muscles dry, be a dear and whip us up an omelette and some toast, would you? Ooops, erm, just mention the words "whip up" and he's off under the cold shower again. Most odd...
Posted by: Jeanne | July 04, 2005 at 05:06 PM