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Hey - was just about to write to you about announcing this! Just one small correction - It's Ronald of loveSicily (rather than Alberto who is the proud Dad of Is My Blog Burning? - the food event excellence which we all copied!).


Wonderful! I have bought myself a new camera that does close-ups better than my previous one. So far I've had a success and two abysmal failures with the new camera. Hopefully I'll be able to shoot something to submit---even if I end up at the end of the pack, considering the quality of photography that some blogs show.


Sign me up to be a judge if you still need them. PS: I have a foodblog now!!


Thank you for hosting my picture ! :)


Hi Lex! Thanks for hosting this... I emailed you my submission yesterday, but I forgot to add what type of camera I use, which is an Olympus C-310 Zoom

Thanks again :)


hey lex, come on over and i'll make you those mussels! BTW, my pics are taken using a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20. thanks so much for hosting -- those wontons from chubby hubby are breathtaking.


emailed you my pic first time...
stef was the one who told me about this event.


I'm always so pleased with the incredible entries in DMBLGIT. I'm relatively new to food blogging, but I already know I may never get another food magazine off the shelf ever again!


Gorgeous pictures everyone. Lex - happy to host if there's ever an opening. ;)


thank you very much

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