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Michael J.  Amato

Put a little vinegar into the water first. It will help keep them together!


Michael ,
I've found that enough salt does the same trick as the vinegar, and I'm a bit leery about my eggs ending up tasting sour. I wonder if lemon would work?


I saw just the same (or very similar at least) technique on BBC Saturday Kitchen, used by Paul Rankin. Seems to be working so I just need to try it out now.


I've read recipes that say either salt or vinegar. I'm tempted to try the salt but I actually like the vinegar effect and I'm a bit tentative about straying from what's worked in the past.

Lovely picture. I'm delighted by the pale gold you see through the eggwhite and the flecks of peper.


Beautiful! Thanks for the great tip... my eggs always end up broken.

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