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I like that. What great colors in those cherries!

Sue Vancil

I probably shouldn't be reading your site, but Tanna recommended it! I too am a sweet-a-holic ( and she isn't) so this is not fair!!! So the changes you made will assure me that I will be able to fit into my skinny jeans this fall, right?


Beautiful, and I think I could even make it.


That looks so yummy. I'd use sugar though, sweeteners are bad for you.


oops. when I said "....sprinkling 1 to 2 teaspoons of oil between each layer" I meant SUGAR. Not OIL. Will fix that soon!


This looks amazing! I love that you used phyllo pastry instead of normal puff or shortcrust pastry. It added a nice touch and is defitely not as heavy as the others.
Well done and good luck with our diet, you can do it!


These look wuite nice and I like the idea of using Filo, very nice :)


Is it possible to make this recipe without gelatin?


mmmmm... Sounds wonderful. I might just have to try out this recipe myself.


I tried to double this recipe with pectin instead of gelatin and the filling didn't set at all, it was just tangy goop, but the shells worked out great. We ended up having them with ice cream instead, and some people used the liquidy filling as a sort of sauce.

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