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Lynette! Of course we remember you. I'm sure that motherhood has more benefits then drawbacks, and when they get a bit older perhaps you will find time again for Lex Culinaria. In the meanwhile, enjoy your littlies, they are only young once :-)


Hooray! I think I can relate, Lynette. I now have a 13-month old, and another one on the way, so I am thrilled to have this similar perspective from one of my favorite food bloggers. Looking forward to some fresh inspiration!


We do still remember you from Lex Culinaria :)
I've just had a baby daughter myself (turns 5 months on Tuesday), so the time I can spend in the kitchen has been reduced drastically. I'll be keeping an eye on your recipe suggestions!!


I am glad to have found you again. I was missing having a fun food-y blog! Glad you are back


i only just found the other blog..and fortunately it sent me here:) mine are 15months apart..your food ideas are great:) of course mine are now 5&6 so i can safely say its fun and tiring and the close spacing works now:) thanks for the great ideas..I appreciate your efforts.

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