Okay, so maybe this sounds a bit gross, but really they are quite tasty. I have trouble keeping a batch in my fridge for very long, and it's not just because of the toddlers....These little treats are fairly nutrient-dense so a small serving is just the thing to keep little tummies full and toddlers energetic until dinner time.
1/2 cup finely grated carrot (use the really fine side of your grater)
1/4 cup each: sunflower seeds, chopped raisins, chopped prunes, oat bran
1/3 cup granola or toasted, rolled oats
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 honey
1/3 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup powdered skim milk
1/3 cup fine graham biscuit crumbs
Blend all ingredients, except milk powder and graham crumbs, in a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment on medium for 30 seconds, or until well combined. Change speed to low and add as much of the powdered milk as required to make a very thick mix which will roll easily into firm balls. How much you use will depend on the peanut butter you are using. The brand we use (Kraft Natural) is fairly runny, so we use the whole amount. Spread graham crumbs in a shallow bowl. Roll peanut butter mixture into small balls, about the size of small grapes, and then roll each ball in graham crumbs. Refrigerate, and use within 5 days.